Saturday, April 16, 2011

Up Tick

Finally I have had an up tick in my swimming fitness. Geez Louise. Getting 2 seconds from my 100's has been like squeezing a rock for water.

My speed in the pool goes in phases. I am hopeful you can relate. Is it fitness? Is it the other sports we do? Is it the early hours in the pool? Is it technique? Or all of the above. While the exact answer for my fluctuating speed graph isn't totally necessary, life just feels better when my body is moving through the water with ease and fluidity. Swimming 5-6 days a week means the pool and water play an important role in my life.

Tuesday was my "up tick" day. It was also after having a couple of weeks of focusing purely on turning my arms over with power, efficiency and strength instead of focusing on the minute details of high elbow, relaxed hands and perfect head position all of which has given me less speed, less confidence in the water and a bundle of frustration. Technique in swimming is incredibly important and if I could live my life over again I would have included swimming in my sport repertoire as a youngster. Since I was skiing or golfing instead, feel for a golf club or the slopes instead of density of water comes far more naturally to me.

If swimming Masters Competitions was purely my focus, perfecting the elusive swimmers stroke would continue to entice my curiosity. With a bike and run to follow a 2km swim, my stroke needs to be strong, rhythmical and efficient leaving me fresh for the next two thirds of the race. Since turning my attention in my pool workout to "race pace" efforts, high stroke rating and rhythmical turnovers, times are moving in my direction. Funny thing, I am riding and running faster too.

If a swim coach reads this, they will curse my name in vain, I have no doubt. But, if the red needle on the pace clock keeps slowing down (I keep speeding up) then my personalized formula may just be working. Pass it on.

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